country house, generally of some pretension, and often including outbuildings and gardens
Villa Gans
Villa Gustav Thoenes
Villa Gustav Ziller
Villa Henriette
Villa Hoeller
Villa J. Paul Liebe
Villa Imperiale
Villa Junghans
Villa Josef Thyssen
Villa Korea
Villa Lina
Villa Louise Maria Koch
Villa Lucia
Villa Lug ins Land
Villa Margarethe
Villa Max Kuntze
Villa Merkel
Villa Meta
Villa Mettlen
Villa Moritz Ziller
Villa Moser
Villa Orlando
Villa Oswald
Villa Prof.-Wilhelm-Ring 20
Villa Rosa
Villa Rosa
Villa Rothschild
Villa San Remo
Villa Scheid
Villa Schmidt
Villa Schwarz
Villa Spiritus
Villa Swoboda
Villa Tiberius
Villa Trapp
Villa Vogelsang
Villa Wagner
Villa Wagner I
Villa von der Heydt
Villas in Gera
Villa Necker
Villa Gebhardt, Leipzig
Crespi's mansion
Villa Maurer
Hoge Ham 124
Baston Lodge
Marble House
Villa Carpentier
Allan Bank
The Lodge