figure of speech in which one thing is asserted to be another when it is in fact not so, based on properties of the latter that apply to the former, pointing to similarity
data pump
glass ceiling
God as king
hedgehog's dilemma
Fatted calf
Sifting and winnowing
the blind leading the blind
information explosion
wet noodle
War chest
spoon theory
thinking outside the box
wing of the party
black swan theory
Late bloomer
carrot and stick
boiling frog
missing stair
tunnel vision
conceptual metaphor
spherical cow
drain the swamp
dark horse
sticky floor
persons leaving
moving the goalposts
interface metaphor
echo chamber
alphabet soup
elephant in the room
Milkshake Duck
plain vanilla
Ivory Tower
$100 hamburger
Chinese wall
boat anchor
body politic
chicken or the egg
chink in one's armor
Ship of state
City rhythm
dead metaphor
The Long Tail
epigenetic landscape
evolutionary landscape
Fork in the road
Get Out of Jail Free card
Glass cliff