large improvement of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory
local government reorganization
Local government reform (Cyprus)
Political-electoral reform of Mexico of 2014
New Look military reforms
Marian reforms
Gregorian Reform
Surname Law
Emancipation reform of 1861
Direct Payments
Hat Law
calendar reform
wage reform in the Soviet Union, 1956–62
Copernicus reform
higher education reform
Togto'a reform
Servian constitution
Clothing Reform
age of consent reform
October reform
land reform
administrative reform
Health and social services reform
law reform
Ottoman military reforms
Abolition of the Caliphate
2008 Russian military reform
abolition of slavery
Wallach reform
state reform in Belgium
economic reform
Late Qing Reforms
Agenda 2010
Servian reform of roman legion
Athenian Revolution
2011–15 Myanmar political reforms
First Great Rectification Movement
immigration reform
Indonesian Reformation (politics)
Campaign finance reform in the United States
Constitutional reforms of Julius Caesar
Drug policy reform
electoral reform
Florentine military reforms
university reform
health care reform
judicial reform
monetary reform
language reform