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Ministry of industry

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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Development, Industry, and Trade Ministry of Industry Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies Ministry of Industry and Commerce Ministry of Metallurgy and Machinery Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Industry and Commerce Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Trade Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Tourism Ministry of Industry Ministry of Industry Ministry of Industrial Policy Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Trade and Industry Department of Trade and Industry and Competition Ministry of Coal Industry Ministry of Construction Materials Industry Ministry of Industry Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism Ministry of Trade and Industry Ministry of Productive Development Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministry of Industries and Production Ministry of Industry and Commerce Ministry of Industry and Commerce Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
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