Group or class of enzymes
group of proteins having the same enzymatic activity
L-xylose 1-dehydrogenase
Formate dehydrogenase
Allyl-alcohol dehydrogenase
shrimp alkaline phosphatase
Phenylalanine dehydrogenase
L-amino acid oxidase
Flavin reductase
Leucine dehydrogenase
Proline dehydrogenase
NAD(P)H oxidase
L-ascorbate oxidase
DNA polymerase epsilon
salivary amylase
Glutathione hydrolase
Leukotriene-C4 hydrolase
Chymotrypsin C
Alpha-lytic endopeptidase
HtrA2 peptidase
Endopeptidase La
Endopeptidase So
Pancreatic endopeptidase E
Limulus clotting factor C
Limulus clotting factor B
Limulus clotting enzyme
Signal peptidase I
Snake venom factor V activator
C-terminal processing peptidase
Peptidase Do
C5a peptidase
Nuclear-inclusion-a endopeptidase
Helper-component proteinase
group 1 mite allergens
Ulp1 peptidase
SARS coronavirus main proteinase
pepsin A
pepsin B
plasminogen activator Pla
human endogenous retrovirus K endopeptidase
Mitochondrial intermediate peptidase
Mitochondrial processing peptidase
Macrophage elastase
ADAM10 endopeptidase
Ste24 endopeptidase
ADAM 17 endopeptidase
ADAMTS13 endopeptidase
proteasome endopeptidase complex
L-proline amide hydrolase