Loop knot
term in reference to knots
Bale sling hitch
diamond knot
Bowline on a bight
shoelace knot
half hitch
handcuff knot
overhand loop
Butterfly Loop
Figure-of-nine loop
Friendship knot loop
Honda knot
Overhand knot with draw-loop
Double overhand noose
Cossack knot
Cowboy bowline
Artillery loop
Running bowline
Kalmyk loop
double figure-eight loop
Triple bowline
Bumper knot
figure-eight loop
Directional figure eight
Jury mast knot
Eskimo bowline
Halter hitch
angler's loop
Farmer's loop
Fireman's chair knot
Spanish bowline
hangman's knot
Span loop
Triple crown knot
true lover's knot
Portuguese bowline
water bowline
Zeppelin loop
Yosemite bowline
Bimini twist
Bottle sling