Christian district or see under the supervision of a bishop
Diocese of Bendigo
Diocese of British Columbia
Diocese of Central Newfoundland
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Diocese of Galloway
Diocese of Grafton
Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
Diocese of Kootenay
Diocese of North Queensland
Diocese of North West Australia
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Diocese of Polynesia
Diocese of Qu'Appelle
Diocese of Quincy
Diocese of Rupert's Land
Diocese of Western Anglicans
Diocese of Western Newfoundland
Anglican Diocese of Westminster
Diocese of Yukon
Diocese of the Central States
Diocese of the Northern Territory
Diocese of the Southeast
Eastern District
English District
Episcopal Area
Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem
Episcopal Diocese of Central New York
Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
Episcopal Diocese of Colorado
Episcopal Diocese of Delaware
Episcopal Diocese of Duluth
Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee
Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan
Episcopal Diocese of Easton
Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire
Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real
Episcopal Diocese of Florida
Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac
Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis
Episcopal Diocese of Lexington
Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi
Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina
Episcopal Diocese of Northern California