the process or product of enrolling, enacting, or promulgating law by a legislature, parliament, or analogous governing body
Federal War Constitution
Butler Act
Rights of Author Act, 120 RE
Defence Act of 1925
Defence Act of 1936
Defence Act of 2000
Agency worker law
Swedish Housemaid Act
American Rescue Plan Act
Immigration Act of 1882
Electoral Franchise Act
traffic law
Bitcoin Law in El Salvador
2021 Indian social media regulations
Fit for 55
Commonwealth Act
Law for the Preservation of Waves
Texas Heartbeat Act
sodomy laws in the United States
Irrigation Act
Equal tax law
Argentina's Law on the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy
The Assam Official Act, 1960
Dog Regulation Law, 2002
Organic Law of Municipalities
Law of Animal Protection and Welfare
secret budget
New Laws
Law to prevent and punish sexual harassment in public spaces
United States Chips and Science Act
trusts and estates
Kerala Police Act
Kerala Police Act
Helms–Burton Act
Gambling in Latvia
Gun law in the United States
General Environmental Law (Peru)
Domestic Violence Law
Comprehensive Protection to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women
Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013
Heavy Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards
Austrian Data Protection Act
General civil penal code
temporary law
Hat Law
National Land Code (Malaysia)
Heritage Places Protection Act
The Companies Act
Factory Acts