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Statistical service

governmental organization for national statistics

Central Bureau of State Statistics Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics Federal State Statistics Service Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda National Bureau of Statistics Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics Federal Statistical Office Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics of North Korea Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics Cameroon's National Institute of Statistics National Institute of Statistics Institute for national accounts National Center for Health Statistics Statistics Indonesia Czech Statistical Office Croatian Bureau of Statistics Statistics Austria Central Statistical Directorate Statistics Estonia Statistics Iceland United States Bureau of Justice Statistics Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia State Statistical Committee CIS STAT National Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Commerce National Statistical Office Bureau of Transportation Statistics Egypt Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Central Bureau of Statistics Central Statistical Office National Statistics and Information Authority Central Statistics Office Dominion Bureau of Statistics Statistics Greenland Statistics Botswana National Statistics Office of Georgia United States Census Bureau Kenya National Bureau of Statistics National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Federal Statistics Committee Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics Imperial Statistical Office National Bank of Belgium National Bureau of Statistics National Institute of Statistics
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