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saying that gives advice, usually as a metaphor

when the devil has nothing to do, he kills flies with his tail Speech is silver, silence is golden Birds of a feather flock together fish in troubled waters Polish proverbs sometimes it is wise to do stupid things One man is not a man in the field all roads lead to Rome African proverbs Klingon proverbs Actions speak louder than words Cart before the horse It takes a village Apulian proverbs When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going Like will to like the pot calling the kettle black Trust, but verify wise A rolling stone gathers no moss Captain goes down with the ship Curiosity killed the cat When in Rome, do as the Romans do Ichi-go ichi-e All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy China's final warning A journey of a thousand li starts beneath one’s feet Give a dog a bad name and hang him an apple a day keeps the doctor away Disasters come when they are forgotten. God helps those who help themselves Fortune favours the bold For Want of a Nail Still waters run deep The big fish eat the little fish Heaven for the nobles, Purgatory for the townspeople, Hell for the peasants, and Paradise for the Jews proverb phrase Exception that proves the rule What is the use of the candle or glasses, if the owl does not want to see Out of the frying pan into the fire popular saying With great power comes great responsibility perfect is the enemy of good No friends but the mountains The Moon is made of green cheese Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones Three laughs at Tiger Brook
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