Latin phrase
phrase known by its Latin-language version
Plus ultra
Post rem
complex question
ad interim
Perfidy of the Jews
Et in Arcadia ego
rest in peace
grain of salt
pro bono
in re
de jure
Ultra vires
ex post
in vivo
In persona Christi
ex officio member
here be dragons
pro tempore
alma mater
Quid pro quo
Sub judice
ad hominem
E pluribus unum
cogito ergo sum
ad hoc
Quantum satis
Lamb of God
status quo
filioque clause
de jure/de facto
Qui tam
sub rosa
blank slate
Nothing comes from nothing
speech error
Non nobis
pro forma
Jus ad bellum
Ad infinitum
Obiter dictum
Sit tibi terra levis
Dum spiro spero
ad astra
memento mori
doctor of both laws
species nova