leader of a country or part of a country, usually in republics
president of Bolivia
President of the State of Palestine
province president
Head of the Chechen Republic
President of Niger
President of Mali
President of Hungary
executive president
President of Ukraine
President of the Republic of Spain
President of Rhodesia
President of East Timor
President of Bangladesh
President of the Dominican Republic
Grand Master
President of Nauru
President of South Korea
President of Slovakia
President of North Macedonia
President of Guyana
President of the Swiss Confederation
President of Hawaii
President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
President of Mongolia
President of Fiji
President of Malta
President of Iran
President of Cyprus
President of Nicaragua
State President of the Orange Free State
President of Yemen Arab Republic
President of Suriname
President of Yemen
President of Palau
President of Panama
President of Sierra Leone
State President of South Africa