institution for educating students in theology
Auburn Theological Seminary
Austin Graduate School of Theology
Australian College of Theology
Australian Lutheran College
B. H. Carroll Theological Institute
Bala-Bangor Theological Seminary
Baptist Theological Seminary
Baptist Theological Seminary
Beth Jacob Jerusalem
Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary
Bethany Theological Seminary
Bethel Bible College, Guntur
Bethel University
Bexley Hall
Biblical Theological Seminary
Boston University School of Theology
Boyce College
Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary
Calvary Bible College
Calvin Theological Seminary
Canadian Mennonite University
Candler School of Theology
Carey Baptist College
Carolina Christian College
Carolina Graduate School of Divinity
Cedar Valley Seminary
Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis
Cherry Hill Seminary
Chicago Theological Seminary
Chichester Theological College
Christian Theological Seminary
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Claremont School of Theology
Cobb Divinity School
College of the Transfiguration
Columbia Bible College
Columbia Theological Seminary
Community of Christ Seminary
Concordia Lutheran Seminary
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
Coptic Theological and Clerical College
Luther Academy
Denver Seminary
Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
Disciples Divinity House
Dubuque Theological Seminary
Duke Divinity School
Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj
East Asia School of Theology
East Greenwich Academy