Political slogan
type of slogan
butter mountain
Eat the rich
chattering classes
Christian values
Let's Go Brandon
Russia is here forever
coalition of the willing
New Frontier
Death to America
Give me Liberty, or give me Death!
It's Time
child abuser
Reclaim mainland China
One Nation Labour
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun
outposts of tyranny
killer game
law and order
Wave election
lying press
procreation strike
Make America Great Again
Political Justice
two-tier health care
Yes We Can
drain the swamp
Austria victim theory
alternative facts
Two Whatevers
Ecological social product
starve the beast
I like Ike
A land without a people for a people without a land
For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland
There is no alternative
Ghana Must Go
It's okay to be white
Bring Us Together
Communism in 20 years
world domination
Clear waters and green mountains
blood and soil
Act now
Build the Wall
Heim ins Reich
Pax Americana
Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time
champagne socialist