combination of words whose meaning cannot be understood by combining the meaning of the component words
Switch off and let's go
each stick holds its candle
play fool
Owning the libs
wolf in sheep's clothing
The upheaval
grain of salt
the empire on which the sun never sets
jumping the shark
a picture is worth a thousand words
to call a spade a spade
selling coal to Newcastle
rule of thumb
Fortress Europe
Mein Name ist Hase
garbage in, garbage out
Saint Florian principle
male gaze
Jack of all trades
Matthew 7:5
plastic beauty
Cart before the horse
bed of roses
stalking horse
proverbial phrase
radical chic
as the crow flies
Get a life
thinking outside the box
broken English
Party line
Pauli effect
come stai
head-down generation
Hoist with his own petard
kick the bucket
second oldest profession
shooting the messenger
death and taxes
Lest we forget
crossing the Rubicon
Wine, women and song
ostrich effect
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
witching hour