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division of a university by subject area, sometimes also by level

Faculty of Evangelical Theology of University of Warsaw department of social work Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the University of Bucharest Faculty of Transports Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tampere Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Helsinki Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oulu Faculty of Science at the University of Oulu Faculty of Technology at the University of Oulu Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Ghent University of Connecticut School of Medicine University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences University of Washington School of Pharmacy Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence Yale School of Medicine Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Government of the Central University of Chile Charles H. Lundquist College of Business Australian School of Petroleum Cathy Hughes School of Communications Tasmanian School of Business and Economics University of Tasmania College of Arts, Law and Education Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Arts Faculty of Law Faculty of Health Sciences School of State Audit School of Translation and Interpretation Faculty of Pharmacy of Medical University of Lublin NOVA Information Management School Faculty of Automation and Computer Systems Colleges of Applied Sciences, Oman Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Marmara University Faculty of Medicine School of Journalism and Mass Communication School of Continuing Education of Chinese Culture University Oregon State University College of Business school of education Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva Faculty of Pharmacology, Istanbul University Istanbul University Faculty of Letters Faculty of Journalism, Yerevan State University Notre Dame College of Engineering University of Notre Dame College of Science Anchor University Christopher University New York University Libraries
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