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presiding officer of a national assembly, legislative body

Marshal of the Sejm President of the Council of the Nation Chairman of Committees of the New South Wales Legislative Council Deputy Speaker of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly President of the United Nations General Assembly Speaker of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly President of the National Council of Austria Lord Speaker Lord Marshal (Sweden) President of the Sami Parliament President of the Federal Council of Austria President of the Congress of Deputies President of the Continental Congress Speaker of the Irish House of Commons president of the Chamber of Deputies president of the senate President of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State Speaker of the House of Commons President of the Parliament of Catalonia Speaker of the Wyoming House of Representatives President of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong Speaker of the House of Keys Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament President of the Bundesrat of Germany Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka President of the regional council Speaker of the Parliament of Finland Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Chairman of the State Duma Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia President of the Senate of Nigeria Speaker of the House of Commons Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary Chairman of the Island Council Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana President of the Bundestag Speaker of the National Assembly of South Korea Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives President of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador President of the National Assembly of Thailand president of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Montserrat Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania President of the National Assembly of Venezuela
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