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United states congressional district

congressional district for the United States House of Representatives

New Jersey's 11th congressional district Iowa's 1st congressional district Minnesota's 5th congressional district Massachusetts's 4th congressional district New Jersey's 8th congressional district New Jersey's 7th congressional district Texas's 19th congressional district North Carolina's 12th congressional district Indiana's 5th congressional district New York's 24th congressional district New York's 27th congressional district Hawaii's 2nd congressional district Indiana's 8th congressional district New Jersey's 3rd congressional district Maine's 2nd congressional district Iowa's 5th congressional district Missouri's 9th congressional district New York's 30th congressional district New York's 33rd congressional district New York's 35th congressional district New York's 37th congressional district New York's 32nd congressional district South Dakota's 3rd congressional district Kansas's 5th congressional district Iowa's 8th congressional district Oklahoma's 8th congressional district Minnesota's 10th congressional district Indiana's 12th congressional district Massachusetts's 13th congressional district Michigan's 17th congressional district Illinois's 23rd congressional district Illinois's 25th congressional district Pennsylvania's 36th congressional district Maine's 7th congressional district Illinois's at-large congressional district New Jersey's at-large congressional district New York's 13th congressional district Guam's at-large congressional district California's 9th congressional district California's 16th congressional district Nevada's 2nd congressional district Arizona's 1st congressional district California's 21st congressional district California's 10th congressional district California's 13th congressional district California's 19th congressional district California's 18th congressional district California's 32nd congressional district California's 33rd congressional district Nevada's 3rd congressional district
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