words, texts, lettering, or symbols marked on a work, building, or object, including texts, legends, documentation notes, or commemoration
Carthaginian tombstones
Roman lead pipe inscription
Kohima Stone Inscription
Carthage Tariff
Decree of Memphis
Kalos inscription
The New Colossus
Julien Inscription Panel
Inscriptions in Germany
high water mark
72 names on the Eiffel Tower
Roman military diploma
Gettysburg Address
Capitoline Base
Lindos Chronicle
Grama Bay rock inscriptions
Cyrus cylinder
motion picture credits
Elliot Bay Petroglyphs
Ashoka's Major Rock Edict
Delphi Inscription
Denis Julien Inscription
Denis Julien Inscription
Denis Julien Inscription
Coffin Texts
Biblical inscriptions at timber-framed buildings
Parian Chronicle
Galle Trilingual Stele
Athenian Tribute Lists
DNa inscription
Bern zinc tablet
ogham inscription
Rosetta Stone decree
runic inscription
Siloam inscription
Stone Drums of Qin
The Poem Tree
Weld-Blundell Prism
Lapis Niger
Archival Wall of Aphrodisias
bilingual inscription
Gabriel's Revelation
Jain Sculpture And Inscription
Semitic inscriptions