wide and deep ravine between cliffs
Brice Canyon
Butterfield Canyon
Echo Canyon
Carpenter Canyon
Carson River Canyon
Cascade Canyon
Cataract Canyon
Cave Dale
Cedar Creek Canyon
Coldwater Canyon
Coloured Canyon
Cottonwood Canyon
Cottonwood Canyon
Cottonwood Canyon
Cougar Canyon
Skeleton Canyon
Death Canyon
Deserters Canyon
Desolation Canyon
Dimond Gorge
Dolores River Canyon
Doubtful Canyon
Eaton Canyon
Canyon Eaton
El Dorado Canyon
Fantasy Canyon
Farwell Canyon
Fortaleza Canyon
French Bar Canyon
Garnet Canyon
Glenwood Canyon
Goblins Gate
Golden Gate Canyon
Gore Canyon
Grand Canyon of the Fraser
Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne
Hanna defile
Hatton Canyon
Hells Gate
Horse Canyon
Trou de Fer
Quebrada del Toro
Soldier Hollow
Red Rock Canyon
Kern River Canyon
Kings Canyon
Lava Canyon
Lee Canyon
Leigh Canyon
Monument Canyon