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Memory institution

institution which has curatorial care over a collection and whose mission it is to preserve the collection for future generations

mountain guide museum city archive digital library Roman museum zoological museum of the university of Zurich Museum of Industry Swiss National Sound Archives Swiss Institute for Art Research Swiss Social Archives State archives of the canton of Berne (collection) museum of traditions and boats of Lake Geneva Municipal Archives Baden local museum in the tower house Zurich Tram Museum dinosaur museum Ethnographic Museum of the University of Zurich Federal Office for Constructions and Logistics Swiss children's museum Gottfried Keller Foundation Swiss Fashion Museum frog museum Monument Preservation Service of the Canton of Bern Salvation Army Museum Swiss Psychiatry Museum Bern municipal library museum of the Great Saint Bernard Hospice with treasure museum of the House of wheat and bread Municipal archive Fribourg Botanical Garden of the University of Fribourg museum of housing culture of historicism and art nouveau Academy of architecture Library fossils museum of Monte San Giorgio Muri monastery museum Military Museum of Geneva World Health Organization (WHO), Records and Archives Bally shoe museum Vevey municipal archive Municipal Library of Vevey Wil municipal archive Emma Kunz center Maison d'Ailleurs (collection) Swiss Museum for the Blind Archives of Contemporary History fo­cusTer­ra Johann Jacobs Museum Thomas Mann Archives Phonogram Archives of the University of Zurich canton Vaud archives (collection) Archives of the City of Lausanne historical collection of the municipal library of Rolle
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