Special area of conservation
type of protected areas in the European Union defined by the Habitats Directive
Punta de Trafalgar
Odense Fjord
Monte Faro
Sil Canyon
Grosses Veen
Wahler Berg
Costa da Vela
Cross Lough
Schwarzes Wasser
Corrales de Rota
Witte Veen
Fenland SAC
Wicklow Mountains National Park
Randers Fjord
Dundalk Bay
Baza National Park
Clara Bog
Neidlinger Alb
Glen of the Downs
Laguna Grande
Laguna Honda
Hagener Au und Passader See
Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park
Binge Geyer
Blau und Kleine Lauter
Lough Gara
Lough Corrib
Sierra Blanca
The Raven Nature Reserve
Deputy's Pass
Redwood Bog