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Ministry of spain

main bodies of executive authority of the government of Spain

Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry of War Ministry of Social affairs (Spain, 1988-1996) Ministry of Development Ministry of Supply Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Culture and Welfare Ministry of Universities and Research Ministry of Energy, Tourism, and Digital Agenda Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment Ministry of Trade Ministry of the Presidency Ministry of Culture Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain Ministry of Housing Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Tourism Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security Ministry of Health of Spain Ministry of the Interior Ministry of the Economy and Finance (2004–2011) Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Ministry of Defence Ministry of Justice of Spain Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport Ministry of Science and Innovation Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry of the Treasury Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism Ministry of Economy Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Ministry of Culture and Sport Ministry of Employment and Social Security Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain Ministry of Science and Technology (Spain, 2000-2004) Ministry of Culture (Spain, 2004-2011) Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports Ministry of Education (Spain, 2009-2011) Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Education and Culture (Spain, 1996-2000) Ministry of Information and Tourism Ministry of the Navy of Spain Ministry of Health and Social Policy Ministry of Labour and Immigration Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry of the Interior of Spain
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