fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time
3 September 1843 Revolution
Constitutionalist Revolution
Batavian Revolution
proletarian revolution
11 September 1922 Revolution
Arab Spring
Cretan revolt of 1878
Cry of Asencio
European Revolutions of 1848
Revolutions of 1848 in the German states
Restorative Liberal Revolution
nonviolent revolution
Rwandan Revolution
Philippine Revolution
October Revolution
Young Turk Revolution
1945 Venezuelan coup d'état
Tulip Revolution
Hungarian Revolution of 1848
April Revolution
democratic revolution
Guatemalan Revolution
Abbasid Revolution
technological revolution
Quiet Revolution
Uruguayan revolution of 1904
French Revolution of 1848
French Revolution
Die Wende and Peaceful Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Aster Revolution
Revolutions of 1848 in the Habsburg areas
Revolution in the Kingdom of Poland
28 May 1926 coup d'état
Bourgeois revolution
Zanzibar Revolution
August Revolution
Atatürk's Reforms
Baden Revolution
March Revolution
colour revolution
Orange Revolution
May Revolution
Cultural Revolution
Russian Revolution
world revolution
permanent revolution
Brabant Revolution
Revolution of the 44
Revolution of 11 September 1852